Welcome neighbors and visitors!    Glad you’re here!
This is a place where information about Brighton Ridge and Naperville will be shared and our sense of community strengthened.
The guiding purpose of our website is to make it easier for residents and families as they meet their needs, realize their dreams, and make contributions to Brighton Ridge and Naperville.
A priority is to provide more options and opportunities for everyone to connect, communicate, and learn from each other. A goal is to facilitate new connections between residents that don’t live on the same block.
Help us provide the information that that would be valuable for you and your family.  We welcome your comments and suggestions.
We hope you find our site useful and return often. Need more information? Contact Us.
Brighton Ridge…a vibrant, friendly community working together to create an enjoyable place to live!
News Articles
Posted on Sep 26th, 2017

by Dr. Frank Lipman Jan. 02, 2017


Here in New York — the land of the Type-A personality — I see a lot of patients who jump into their workout routine at the same high level they do everything else, hitting the gym every day like a pro athlete possessed. That is, until they arrive at my office in a virtual heap, dragged out, depleted, and suffering from inflammation and symptoms of adrenal fatigue, including exhaustion, body aches, brain fog, irritability, moodiness, feeling overwhelmed, and frequent cravings for sweet and/or salty foods.

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